
Want to know your oxytocin from your syntocinon? Need to know the risks around inducing baby because you're overdue? Worried about who will be in theatre during your caesarean? We've got you covered.


So much about birth is unknown but there is lots of research out there, we talk more about this on the course and you get lots of links to research and anything that may help depending on your circumstance but this is a good starting point - a mixture of resources from professionals and some reading materials.

We have created a selection of really useful information that you can download in PDF format, from handy checklists to great tried and tested tips and tricks to help you in your birth preparation and beyond. Just enter your details and download.

Hypnobirthing Essentials: A Workbook
The Complete Birth Plan Pack
7 Ways of Preparing for YOUR birth [PDF DOWNLOAD]
Sale Price: £0.00 Original Price: £15.00
The Birth Partner's Handbook
10 Steps to a Positive Pregnancy and Birth [PDF DOWNLOAD]
Sale Price: £0.00 Original Price: £15.00
What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag [PDF DOWNLOAD]
Sale Price: £0.00 Original Price: £15.00
Guide to Pregnancy and Maternity Leave in Milton Keynes [PDF DOWNLOAD]
Sale Price: £0.00 Original Price: £15.00

Free Birth Preparation and Hypnobirthing Tasters

We run a taster session for 30 minutes, with online and in person options. This gives you a chance to learn what Hypnobirthing is, how it may help you and we share a few handy hints for birth.

  • The Birth Matters Series - a fantastic range of books from Pinter and Martin that cover all things birth in manageable chunks

  • The Little Therapy Space - based in Olney but also running classes and workshops online. A clinically advanced massage therapist, fitness instructor and woman’s health therapist specialising in the pregnancy and postnatal period. Covering issues such as PGP In pregnancy and back and hip pain. Postnatally offering treatments to help with Caesarean scars, diastasis recti and the pelvic floor. Tanya offers workshops covering birth skills, the pelvic floor, baby massage and relaxation during pregnancy. Tanya runs exercise classes, pelvic floor and relaxation workshops and is an expert masseuse. Tanya also runs pregnancy and postnatal fitness classes.

  • Midwife Sarah Wickham - Midwife, author, educator shares a wealth of information about birth

  • Association for improvements in maternity services - AIMS works towards better births for all, helping birthers know their rights whatever they want

  • Birth Rights - learn more about your rights in birth, this resource provides advice and information and campaigning for respectful and safe maternity care that protects pregnant people’s fundamental rights

  • Spinning babies - techniques and useful information on babies position

  • Association of breast feeding mothers - online breast feeding information and helpline

  • Breastfeeding support - Evidence-based breast feeding tips

  • Perinatal Mental Health - pregnancy and parenthood can escalate any existing mental health issues or cause postpartum problems. This is not something to be ashamed of and there is help out there.

  • Baby Basics MK - A charity in Milton Keynes working to re-use excellent condition second hand and new items to create gift packages that give families everything they need to start life with a new-born baby. They support families experiencing financial hardship with children from 0-6 years.

  • Maternity Voices Partnership - Have your say about how local (Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes) Maternity services are run and developed.

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