Induction Course Group (Online)

Induction is becoming a very normal intervention for the NHS to suggest - whether you've been told you have a big baby, you have gestational diabetes, or an 'ageing placenta'- it's important to question whether its being advised on medical grounds or as part of hospital policy. This course covers what is involved (the stages and types of hormonal and mechanical forms of induction), how to have a positive induction, and what questions you should ask your care provider.

Induction Course Group

    • If Induction has been suggested to you, this course covers what is involved

    • How to have a positive induction

    • What questions you should ask your care provider.

    • It runs once a week, as induction is often suggested at the end of pregnancy and you may need to book on quickly!

    • It also has some more traditional hypnobirthing skills taught to help you have a positive experience.

    • The full workshop and materials

    • Follow up birth preferences

    • Induction of labour MP3 recording

    • £67

What next?


Free Birth Preparation and Hypnobirthing Tasters

We run a taster session for 30 minutes, with online and in person options. This gives you a chance to learn what Hypnobirthing is, how it may help you and we share a few handy hints for birth.