Hypnobirthing Refresher Session (One-to-One)

Completed an antenatal course and explored hypnobirthing before? Pregnant again, but want a reminder of just how useful it can be? Need a private in-depth chat or advice? Refresh your Hypnobirthing skills including, breathing, self-hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, anchoring, positioning, grounding and distraction techniques, massage, acupressure, and fear release. This is a 1-1 session, either online or in person, and can be used to discuss any special circumstances you may be experiencing.

Hypnobirthing Refresher Session

    • We will discuss your birth preferences

    • We talk about the mind and the science around birth

    • We will plan your birth environment and give practical ways to make it more conducive to birth

    • We learn techniques to keep you calm and make birth more comfortable.

    • We look at your birthing team and the birth partners role

    • We cover physical preparations for birth 

    • We discuss what happens after labour and birth and what options you have

    • You will learn the facts and biology around the birthing body - once you understand what is happening it is a lot less scary

    • 2.5 hour sessions with a fully qualified Hypnobirthing teacher

    • Practical and logical guidance - birth plans, birth positions, Hypnobirthing tools refresher

    • You get to feel in control of your experience

    • Birth preferences support

    • £120

Free Birth Preparation and Hypnobirthing Tasters

We run a taster session for 30 minutes, with online and in person options. This gives you a chance to learn what Hypnobirthing is, how it may help you and we share a few handy hints for birth.