Free Birth Preparation and Hypnobirthing Tasters

We believe that birth is a normal and natural event, if you just know how to support and trust your body to do its thing. So, buckle up, and get prepared for the most wonderful experience with us.

Book your free taster session

Book your free taster session ⋆

Led by Katie and Tasha: Two Mums on a Mission to Change How You Feel About Birth

  • In-person taster sessions

  • Ask us those niggling questions

  • Hear some glorious birth stories

  • Feel prepared and in control for your birth

What are Birth Preparation Taster Sessions?

Our FREE tasters are a relaxed chat about all things birth. We know it can feel overwhelming and unfamiliar, but we are here to dispel myths, give reliable advice and help you on your way to feeling unfazed by what your brilliant body is going to do.

We run in-person tasters every month and welcome anyone who is pregnant or trying for a baby to join us for. We encourage birth partners to come along too- even the sceptical ones… 

Kind words:

“Thank you again for the taster session, I overheard my partner talking on the phone about it the next morning and it was a joy for me to hear that he had taken in so much and felt so included.”

Lucy, 2024

We discuss:

  • What is hypnobirthing? Why is hypnobirthing useful for labour?

  • How your mindset and fear can impact the birthing body

  • Why it’s common to be scared of birth

  • What it means to advocate for yourself during birth and why this is needed

  • Being a useful birth partner

  • Your birth plan- why you should write birth preferences

  • Our own positive birth stories, featuring: spontaneous labour, induction, epidural, home birth, caesarean, medicated and unmedicated pain relief. You’ll be surprised by the variety!

  • What to pack in your birth bag

  • Adapting your birth environment to make it calm and comforting

  • An opportunity to ask us ANYTHING birth, pregnancy or hypnobirthing related.

Kind words:

“Having had a planned c-section with my twins, I genuinely didn't think hypnobirthing would have been useful. Now pregnant with a single baby and planning a VBAC, I decided to explore a taster session on hormones in labour with Tasha. I was really suprised at how much of the information was factual and could not believe how much I learnt in 30 minutes, wishing I could have had all the information before my twins. The taster was so eye-opening that we have booked a full hypnobirthing course in April!”

Hayley & Rosie, 2023

Want to join us for a FREE taster?