The Birth Project Blog

BIRTH TIPS Katie James BIRTH TIPS Katie James

Why should I prepare for birth?

Isn't preparing for birth just setting you up to fail? How can we predict what will happen on the day? The truth is, we can't. But we can arm you with knowledge about the physiological process and techniques to ease any fears That way the mind and body can work together to give you and your baby the best birth for you ON THE DAY.

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BIRTH TIPS Katie James BIRTH TIPS Katie James

Why do we find birth scary?

When we ask our lovely pregnant course attendees and their birth partners how they feel about the birth, 'scared' or 'anxious' seems to be the most immediate response. Even before 'excited' or 'curious' has a chance to come to mind. Katie and Tasha share the reasons behind why we have come to fear a process as natural as blinking or breathing.

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BIRTH TIPS Katie James BIRTH TIPS Katie James

Birth partners and why they are so important!

We share all the wonderful things our birth partners did for us during our labours. This was all possible because they did their research, came to (antenatal) class and learnt all about our birth preferences. Hypnobirthing was definitely integral to our birth partner's being everything we needed them to be.

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BIRTH TIPS Katie James BIRTH TIPS Katie James

6 essentials to pop in your birth bag

Are you wondering what to pack in your birth bag? Whether you are heading into hospital or staying at home we have a few suggestions for some items to have to hand. These will help make birth a more comforting process and make your birth environment feel a little bit more like home.

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BIRTH TIPS Katie James BIRTH TIPS Katie James

What is Hypnobirthing?

You might heard of hypnobirthing, but don't actually know what it means. Katie and Tasha talk about what it is that we learn together on our courses. It's just a toolkit that you can take with you on the day of meeting your baby.

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Free Birth Preparation and Hypnobirthing Tasters

We run a taster session for 30 minutes, with online and in person options. This gives you a chance to learn what Hypnobirthing is, how it may help you and we share a few handy hints for birth.