What does a Hypnobirthing course make you feel like?

One sentence: Excited and in control. Looking forward to meeting my baby

Full review:

My husband and I found out we had fallen pregnant in January of this year. Through my local exercise class I already knew Katie and straight away wanted to get onto one of her courses as I didn’t know where to start being a first time parent but thought joining a local course run by someone I knew would be a good place!

The course was fantastic and delivered so much more than I expected. Both my husband and I came away from the course feeling more empowered and in control then we had before. Through Katie and Tasha’s teaching we understood that we had choices and could challenge the pro quo in order to have the best birth possible for us. I am a very structured individual therefore it enabled me to understand the different options and plan alternative birth preferences with my husband to cover varied scenarios so that we felt more prepared and ultimately in control.

Pre doing the course I felt that society likes to tell you the negatives of birth or dramatize it through TV and film. Now I block out the media and information that won’t help me and focus purely on my breathing and thoughts to create the best environment for a calm and happy birth. Katie and Tasha advocate for how we can use all our senses to boost the hormones required for a happy and healthy birth; this has been such a fun activity finding the music which we want on our playlists, the scents to fill the room such as our wedding perfume and cologne, the textures that bring comfort – super fluffy socks and my favourite blanket. All of these things help and I wouldn’t have even considered having them involved before the course. If you had asked me a year ago where I would want to give birth I would automatically say the hospital whereas now we are advocating for a home waterbirth.

Each week homework was set to keep us focused through the week. At the beginning of the course we were asked to vocalise, with our partner, our fears. Through doing these exercises it has led me to take up some free therapy through the NHS to get additional support both pre and post birth; I would not have even considered this if it wasn’t for Katie and Tasha’s support and guidance as to how to pursue this and the validation that it was not a waste on resource. They really do go above and beyond and although our course has ended I know the support network from both of them will continue for as long as I require it.


Kate and Hugo - A positive birth with no tearing!


The sliding scale of pain relief