Sadie and Ayah - unplanned

On Sunday 11th June 2023 at around 7am; I  woke up with what I thought were Braxton Hicks, went to the toilet and lost my mucus plug and then my waters broke!

It was very unlike the movies, it was only a trickle. So we decided to call maternity for advice and they said to have some breakfast and come in. I was very anxious and had wanted to stay at home as long as possible but after a  nice soak in the bath and some breakfast we decided to drive to Luton and Dunstable Hospital, I took my hospital bag. 

When we arrived in triage we were informed that we would need swabs and a speculum to determine if my waters had broken, I was placed on the monitor where my blood pressure was slightly elevated but baby was doing well. 

After a short while we were informed the test had come back as positive for the waters breaking and that as I had gestational diabetes (picked up very late in pregnancy on growth scans - around 37 weeks) I would need to be transferred to the induction ward. 

We went to get some lunch and came back to be transferred, all plans were in place with my mum to go and collect the dog from home and the hospital bags were with us as I had been super prepared. 

I then was moved to the induction ward where I was placed on a monitor again, I continued to have regular contractions and baby’s heart rate kept becoming elevated so we had a doctor come and review a few times but they seemed happy with the progress. 

I was encouraged to drink more fluid and walk around so I bounced on a yoga ball and walked around the ward, my waters were continuing to go at this point. 

I was originally informed that I would have a gel inserted but as the contractions were regular they wanted to see if it developed naturally, at this point I was only 1cm dilated. 

The next morning on Monday 12th June, I transferred to the delivery suite for induction. I was then able to have my second birth partner present, we were put back on a monitor again where numerous midwives would come in and check baby’s progress as well as my own dedicated one. I think this was a safety net, I was then given gas and air as my contractions were becoming more painful. At this point I had managed with being mobile and using a comb to squeeze in my hand for pain relief. I also used an aromatherapy roll on my wrist and breathing techniques. 

The gas and air really helped and at 3pm, the hormone drip was started. The contractions became quicker and much more painful but I used my Hypnobirthing breathing techniques throughout to try and control the pain and the surges. 

Once the pain became too much I asked for an epidural which I had at around 9pm. By this point I had been in labour for a long time and was feeling exhausted. I was then examined and was only 3cm which was so deflating, once the epidural kicked in I was able to have a sleep here and there which helped me gain some more energy. 

I was also informed that they would check me again at 6am and if I wasn’t dilated to 6cm they would offer a Caesarean as it had been so long since my waters were broken. The midwife tried to rupture more membranes for the second time to try and speed up the process. 

Tuesday 13th June at around 6am I was examined again, I had fully dilated and was told I would shortly need to push. I had various medical professionals come in and inform me about risks such as the shoulders as baby had measured bigger on scans and that there would be chance of needing instrumental delivery. 

But at 8am I started pushing, I did this for an hour and a half but baby would still not come down the birth canal, at this point I was physically and emotionally exhausted. 

I was informed I needed to go to theatre for forceps which was the last thing I wanted but knew baby needed to come. I was wheeled into theatre and my epidural was topped up. 

They examined me again and explained baby was now looking up and it would be dangerous for them to proceed with forceps and that I needed a ‘emergency’ Caesarean.

By now various medical professionals were all explaining to me their roles and introducing themselves. I was informed throughout of what was happening and what I would be feeling. My husband was beside me but at this point all I could focus on was breathing. 

The screen went up and I could feel tugging with lots of suction, I then heard my baby cry. My husband was called over to her straight away!

He cut her cord and was informed baby had the cord round her neck and that there was some meconium in me, he then brought her over to me, the delirium and drugs had really kicked in by rhis point and I was struggling to keep my eyes open but she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, so much smaller than I ever imagined her to be, just perfect. He stayed a short while and then they informed him to wait by recovery and baby was left with the staff. 

They then gave me baby for skin to skin and wheeled me to recovery where I was able to see my husband before being transferred to the ward. 

My original birth plan had been different but I got to experience birth, I knew what pushing and contractions felt like, I was able to use my Hypnobirthing techniques and I also had my baby in my arms at the end of it all. 

The support and different stories our hypnobirthing group have shared with each other have been very comforting and beneficial.

Katie’s support and advice from the course and thereafter has been exceptional, I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to remain in control of their birth and have a positive experience. 


Nicola and Mairi - positive induction and ventouse


Kate and Hugo - A positive birth with no tearing!