My birth story - Meeting Toryn

After completing a Hypnobirthing course I was really excited for my birth. I had obviously become really interested in birth (hence the creation of The Positive Birth Project) and was looking forward to seeing what my body was capable of. I am naturally a planner so I had the bag packed, the playlist ready and was trying to get in the zone the week before my birth, having lots of baths, listening to MP3s and getting the oxytocin flowing.

My waters broke when I was laughing at Ricky Gervais and baby sitting my best friends baby - worst baby sitter ever at 39+6 weeks pregnant. It wasnt the drama you imagine and I wasnt even convinced it was waters. Once I got home at about 10.30pm I knew it was waters and my Husband (already tucked up in bed) was frantically googling whether we had to go to hospital as he wanted to stay in bed!

We rang the Midwife Led Unit (MLU) where I was due to give birth and they said to come in much to his dismay. After a few changes of trousers we were on our way- my waters went in increments, at this point I had been having period type pains for a few days and these continued. I sat on the bed at the MLU and my waters went again, happy with the colour of the waters the midwife sent me home to sleep.

Once home my husband went into the spare room to get some rest and my this point my tightenings started ramping up. I was happy in bed changing position frequently, breathing through the surges and listening to MP3s. I must have slept but at 6am I decided it was time to start counting so woke my Husband up (no he had not been in to check on me during the night?!) Then it was a whole morning if counting, using my TENS machine and breathing, I managed to shower but really didnt want to eat although I managed a bit of porridge. I was supposed to see the midwife for a sweep that day and when my Husband rang to cancel she said if we were unsure ring the MLU and they would listen to me - this way they would know whether I should go in or not. We rang them and they listened to me on the phone. We were asked to come in.

I had chosen not to have vaginal examinations to assess progress unless I asked for them and the Midwives were happy that I was establish enough so off into a room I went. The MLU was lovely, big bed, big pool, fantastic Midwives. This was now 12.30pm and I lost the rest of the afternoon in my zone. I didnt want to listen to tracks I had ready, I didnt want to watch anything, I just wanted to be in the quiet. I started using gas and air around 2pm. My Husband did play our first dance song which was lovely. He also tried to make me eat which I wasnt so happy about - this made me violently sick (actually a very good sign) and I had to get out of the pool.

The pool wasnt for me, I was a land birther and I liked walking and squatting and my Husband just followed me around with the gas and air. At one point I wanted to know how far I was and I was 5cm to which I thought, half way I can do this! The next time I asked for one (6pm) I was 9.5cm and it was getting closer. At this point, after leaving me alone for much of the afternoon the Midwives stayed with me. It got to about 7pm and I was getting tired now, the Midwife suggested that I try some different positions. One lying on my back with my legs up towards my chest and the next on my side. I didnt know this at the time but she thought the baby was a bit stuck. I had a small episiotomy after she sought my consent and the head was out.

The lying on my side position worked a few minutes later and my little boy flew into the world. It turns out he had had Shoulder Dystocia because of his size (10.2lb) where the shoulder gets stuck after the birth of the head but the Midwives were so chilled that I hadnt relised this was an emergency situation even though a few more Midwives appeared in the room.

The world was GLOWING, I cant really describe it without sounding full on bonkers but I felt amazing despite being exhausted and having to have stitches - I had done it! He was here and he was perfect! My Husband stayed for a few hours and left at midnight. I just couldnt stop looking at my baby. The best day of my life, totally empowering. Something moved in me and from that day I have had a passion for all things birth ever since.


Katie and Margot’s birth story