Michelle and Jess meet Sutton - A water birth

I’d been having Brixton hicks for over a week, then finally on the Monday night I started to get some pain with the contractions whilst in the bath. I felt excited but knew I should try and stay calm so I went to the kitchen and made flapjacks to have as snacks later on in labour.

Although it was only mild pain the contractions were very close together so we rang the birth centre for some advice and were invited in to be examined. Turned out I was only 1, maybe 2cm dilated at best. The midwife, Jade, asked if we’d like her to perform a sweep, we said yes then went home and tried to get some rest.

The next day my wife, Jess, and I had the loveliest most relaxing day. We kept the blinds shut, lights low and played chilled, happy music. Jess stroked my back, I had another bath and bounced on the birthing ball while she got the final bits in our hospital bags. The contractions had slowed during the day but later that night picked up again and the pain intensified, so we called the birth centre and a few hours later we headed back there.

We were glad to see Jade again when we arrived. She examined me and although I wasn't much further dilated Jade was really positive and said there were some other signs that labour was progressing. I had another sweep and stayed in for monitoring as things would hopefully ramp up now.

I’d actually decided during my pregnancy that I wouldn't have any internal examinations or sweeps however when it came to it I wanted to know where we were up to and it really helped my mind set.

I spent the next hour or so moving around then leaning over and peddling my feet when a contraction came - something I’d learned could help during my course with Katie and it came really naturally. 

A bit later I got in the pool and immediately felt the benefits of the warm water. I also asked to use the gas and air which helped me control my breathing through the contractions and put to use the techniques I’d also learned on Katie’s course. 

When my waters finally broke it felt like a huge release of pressure and I was instantly more comfortable. Just before I’d had a moment where I’d really doubted if I could continue but Jess and Jade helped me to regain control and push through.

I‘d also asked for some diamorphine and the effects of it helped me to get some much needed rest between contractions out of the pool.

Jades shift was due to end soon and our new midwife was Anna. 

I had another examination and was 5cm dilated. I couldn't believe how slowly things were going. I was exhausted and counting down the hours til I could have more diamorphine!

By 9am I was back floating in the pool. With each contraction I'd sit up and lean over the edge with my arms around Jess, still utilising the gas and air and my breathing techniques.

As 11am approached- aka diamorphine o'clock, I asked for another examination. Now I was 8cm and the end was in sight! I decided against the next lot of diamorphine as I wanted to birth in the pool and we were getting close.

Over the next 2 hours I refuelled with Lucozade, my freshly made flapjacks and a banana. Then, finally, just after 1pm I felt the urge to start pushing, we all just followed my bodies lead.

After about 20 minutes Sutton was born in the water. Jess lifted him out, placed him on me and told me we'd had a boy. I felt such a huge relief and sense of achievement and I couldn't help the emotion that came over me. Anna picked up my phone and took some photos of the 3 of us, Jess looking at Sutton, Sutton looking at me and me looking directly at the camera doing the ugly cry.

Before we did the course with Katie our expectations were as you usually see in the media. I expected my waters to break in the supermarket (I heard a rumour if this happens you get free nappies for life?!) go to hospital, lie on a bed, on my back, legs in the air then a few screams and pushes later the baby's here! 

Katie made us realise actually what an amazing, calm, natural and special experience labour and birth could be. Both Jess and I learned so much and felt really ready and prepared during our pregnancy for when the time came. 


Charlotte and Phoebe- FREEBIRTH


Jo and Ezra - A speedy arrival!